Grumblers get the job done.

Paul L. Bucklaw
3 min readMay 3, 2022
Going to put myself out there once again emphatically state there aren't enough grumblers. Or grumblers who get things done.147 years the church had been in operation and never needed a sign about not letting your dog do it's duty in the church garden then one day Dr. X. spotted this atrocity-someone was letting their dog urinate on the plop and drop garden. An argument ensued, I witnessed it and apologized to the people that were abused and thought there have been times that I have been just as cruel as Dr. X.Well within the next few days we had a sign that instructed dog owners not to use the garden as a doggy pooh drop. 147 years if only someone had complained more quickly.
My thoughts turned to Dr. X. and how one Christmas he gave me a piece of candy and acted as if it were a hundred dollar bill coming from him it was a great advancement because from what I knew of him he was a real jerk and yet hopefully he helped others.I really didn't want to be at church at here I was at a funeral. Once upon a time I asked one of the deacons if they knew the man I was talking about and they sort of just blew me off and I knew they knew who I was talking about. Nose up in the air Dr. X. the yeller and shouter. And yet I did all these things as well. He was just another example of what not to do in life and yet the grumbler got…



Paul L. Bucklaw

Who am I ? That is the eternal question. Writer ? Hero ? Motivator ? Environmentalist ? If you know let me know. Visit