On Forget About It.

Paul L. Bucklaw
2 min readNov 13, 2022

My story of becoming homeless is quite simple. It isn’t an unusual tale. I gave up.

In December 0f 2007, I was working as a temp. when our jobs were changed to on call employees. Basically, this left me out of work at Christmas time, again. I had seen Union members making much more money for less work. And had been told that soon I would be making the same. That didn’t happen. They simply and consistently misrepresented the truth. And I let them get away with it.

I had spoken out as usual. I believed that equal pay was the American way. I believed that being able to speak out for one’s rights to fair treatment was the American way.

Although speaking out for the flag and the issues it represents seems logical sometimes it can get you into trouble.

Searching for work and not finding any I decided to volunteer my time for John Edwards. The work was fulfilling.

I was arrested on January 8, 2007, for being at an Obama Rally with a John Edwards sign. Harassed would be a better word. I got on all the big networks.

The courts, prosecutors and judge all seemed in a fog about one’s free speech rights. The words “free speech” were never mentioned. The case muddled on.

My political activism didn’t make it easy to find work.



Paul L. Bucklaw

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