Predictable, the “We have a shortage,” mentality. Now that the photo opportunities are over and campaigning goes back to normal, and Mitt Romney doesn’t show up in NJ or NY because they are in his mind the 47 percent who don’t pay taxes, which from it’s very inception was in error, now we can claim as a very rich country, that we do not have the willpower, the resources, the talent, the finances, or the moxie to come back from a brutal storm. We will yap about making it so, “this never happens again,” and then of course we will do just the opposite. They’ll take the cheap way out.
In Breezy Point we had a fire department that couldn’t remember how to put out a fire, simply because they couldn’t find a way to get to it. We have the Red Cross telling individuals that what they need is money, while the Governors are saying what they need is people power.
Anyone remember Cabbage Patch Dolls ? You had to get the doll for your child. And they acted as if their were none. I knew a man who owned a toy store in Somerville, N.J. and guess what he had a bunch of. Cabbage Patch Dolls waiting to be sold to the highest bidder. Same now. Price gouging.
We have individuals that are in a hurry to get back to work, work that they couldn’t stand just a few days earlier, when the real work that needed to be done was in their communities and…